
Read Testimonies from people who have seen God's Power through Jesus Servant Malachi Joseph


MIRACULOUS HEALING AFTER TERRIBLE ACCIDENT! Ms. Rose Saidi from Kinondoni Dar es Salaam- Tanzania is testifying on the miraculous healing that she has never received in her life. She testifies that, as she was cooking with a pressure cooker, she experienced a gruesome accident when preparing food and got burnt by heavy steam on her leg and part of her arm. Immediately, she was admitted to the hospital, and as it was not enough, as a covenant child of Christ Mandate, she used and applied the miracle covenant salt on her wounds. Glory be to God, the hand of God administered total healing in her life and now she is healed completely.   “ By faith, connect to receive your healing in the name of Jesus! Psalms 147:3 // UPONYAJI WA AJABU BAADA YA AJALI MBAYA! Bi. Rose Saidi kutoka Kinondoni, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, anashuhudia juu ya uponyaji wa ajabu ambao hajawahi kupokea maishani mwake. Anashuhudia kwamba, alipokuwa akipika kwa kutumia pressure cooker, alipata ajali mbaya wakati wa kuandaa chakula na kuunguzwa na mvuke mzito kwenye mguu na sehemu ya mkono wake. Kwa haraka, aliwahishwa hospitalini, na kama hiyo haikutosha, yeye kama mtoto wa agano wa kanisa la Christ Mandate, alitumia na kupaka chumvi ya agano ya miujiza kwenye vidonda vyake. Utukufu uwe kwa Mungu, mkono wa Mungu ulimponya kabisa na sasa amepona kabisa. "Kwa imani jiunganishe kupokea uponyaji wako kwa jina la Yesu!” Zaburi 147:3

Ms. Rose Saidi

Dar Es Salaam Tanzania


HE CAME OUT OF ICU AFTER SUFFERING FROM KIDNEY FAILURE! Ms. Elizabeth Chilaga from Tabata, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, testifies on the healing of her brother who was admitted to the ICU for two days due to kidney failure and liver infection. She testifies that, after receiving a voice message of prayer from Jesus servant as he was in the hospital, he experienced his healing and now he is totally healed. We thank God for his healing. Connect to collect this kind of complete healing in Jesus’ name! // ATOKA ICU BAADA YA KUUGUWA TATIZO LA KUFELI FIGO! Bi. Elizabeth Chilaga kutoka Tabata Dar es Salaam Tanzania anashuhudia juu ya uponyaji wa kaka yake aliyekuwa amelazwa ICU kwa siku mbili kutokana na tatizo la kufeli kwa figo na kuharibika kwa ini. Anashuhudia kwamba baada ya kupokea ujumbe wa sauti wa maombi kutoka kwa Mtumishi wa Yesu wakati alipokua hospitalini, alipokea uponyaji wake na sasa ni mzima kabisa. Tunamshukuru Mungu kwaajili ya uponyaji wake. Jiunganishe kupokea aina hii ya uponyaji kamili kwa jina la Yesu!

Ms. Elizabeth Chilaga

Dar Es Salaam Tanzania


Mrs. Happiness Ngabuji is from Kigamboni Dar es Salaam Tanzania, she is humbly attesting of God’s power and glorifying Him for healing her. She had been suffering from a particular skin condition that formed many rashes on her feet. This condition tormented her for two years so much so she couldn't wear shoes. She then took a step of faith and went for prayers at a counseling session with Jesus Servant, now she testifies of her healing. All the rashes have dried up and her skin and feet are looking good. Glory to God! MIAKA MIWILI YA VIPELE IMEISHIA KWA MWINGILIO KATI WA KIUNGU! Bi. Happiness Ngabuji anatoka Kigamboni Dar es Salaam Tanzania, anashuhudia kwa unyenyekevu juu uwezo wa Mungu na kumtukuza kwa kumponya. Alikuwa akisumbuliwa na hali fulani ya ngozi ambayo ilitengeneza vipele vingi kwenye miguu yake. Hali hii ilimtesa kwa miaka miwili kiasi cha kushindwa kuvaa viatu. Kisha akachukua hatua ya imani na kwenda kwa maombi kwenye huduma ya ushauri na Mtumishi wa Yesu na sasa anashuhudia uponyaji wake. Vipele vyote vimekauka na ngozi na miguu yake inaonekana vizuri. Utukufu kwa Mungu!

Happiness Ngabuji

Kigamboni, Dar es Salaam


Mrs. Fatma Juma of Tabata Dar es Salaam, Tanzania cannot emphasize enough of how overjoyed she is for her grandson’s healing from a heart condition: a hole in his heart. The doctors advised her on surgery for her grandson and they prescribed so many medications for the child but she turned to Jesus Christ for an answer to the boy’s heart problem by coming to Christ Mandate for prayers. Today, she testifies that even the doctors were shocked on how the child is healed without any medication. Glory be to our Lord God! Jeremiah 17:14. NI MUNGU PEKEE NDIYE ANAYEWEZA KUUMBA MOYO MPYA WENYE AFYA KUTOKA KWA ULE MWENYE TUNDU! Bi. Fatma Juma wa Tabata Dar es Salaam, Tanzania hawezi kusisitiza vya kutosha jinsi alivyo na furaha tele kwa ajili ya uponyaji wa mjukuu wake kutokana na ugonjwa wa moyo: tundu moyoni mwake. Madaktari walimshauri juu ya upasuaji kwa mjukuu wake na walimwandikia dawa nyingi sana mtoto lakini alimgeukia Yesu Kristo kwa jibu la shida ya moyo ya mtoto huyo kwa kumleta mjukuu wake Christ Mandate kwa ajili ya maombi. Leo, anashuhudia kwamba hata madaktari walishtushwa na jinsi mtoto alivyopona bila dawa yoyote. Utukufu ni kwa Bwana Mungu wetu! Yeremia 17:14

Fatma Juma

Tabata, Dar es Salaam

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