About- Malachi Joseph

Malachi Joseph Jesus Servant

alachi Joseph is a Nigerian, He is the General Overseer Of Christ Mandate and Power Ministries (CMPM) International also known as Christ Mandate Church headquartered in Dar es Salaam Tanzania. He is a Prophet, Televangelist, Philanthropist, Author, Songwriter, Singer. He is manifesting the fivefold ministries of Jesus Christ as a Prophet, Apostle, Pastor, Evangelist, and Teacher of God’s word with practical evidence with mind-blowing testimonies of the blind seeing, the lame walking, HIV/AIDS healed, covid patients are healed, deaf and dumb hear and speak, barren women carrying their babies, cancer and other chronic and terminal diseases being healed as well in Jesus’ name.
He is generally referred to as “Jesus Servant” because of his humility in leadership, service to God and humanity. He has sacrificed his life for God by always thinking of himself less and priorities work of God and salvation of people souls to God’s kingdom.

Jesus Servant Malachi Joseph originated from the very humble beginnings and non-Christian family background and experienced salvation at the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria (PCN) where he was also a Sunday school teacher during his childhood days.
He has been raised by God to become a remarkable man of God.
The foundation of his work is doctrine of the Lord Jesus per the bible. He believes that the Founder of the Ministry is Jesus Christ (Matt.16:18), and he is a servant submitted to the call (Isaiah 6:8) and thus needs to serve with humility and obedience.

Jesus Servant Malachi Joseph has an extensive knowledge and experience in management and development of Christian’s ministries. He is a dedicated prophet, preacher, and servant of God. The foundation of his work is in practicability of the word of God he teaches. His extensive background includes both international and national pastoral training.

Jesus Servant Malachi Joseph has worked in different capacity to serve God. He has been preaching word of God, conducting spiritual counselling, coaching, and mentoring of junior pastors. Under his leadership CMPM International has grown in membership and in establishment of branches in different regions in Tanzania He is the founder of the Christ Mandate Care program and the Malachi Joseph Foundation (MJF).

He is the Founder of the Christ Mandate Care Charity program aimed to serve the most vulnerable groups in society, helping them ensure that their basic needs and human rights are met. Both Christ Mandate Care and Malachi Joseph Foundation (MJF)aim to serve the less privilege people through addressing basic needs, restoration of hope and faith to the lord Jesus Christ worldwide. Also, to help and support apostolic activities for the poor, marginalized, less privileged and vulnerable people not limited to orphans, widows, old people, Albino, blind people, abandoned children by supporting social services in Tanzania and the world at large.

He is also the Founder/President of Christ Mandate TV(satellite television station) , aimed to “Transform Lives, Nations, And the World At Large”.
What he believes is that Since faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Rom. 10:17), it’s vital that the Word of God be preached and taught to ever-widening circles such as TV and other social media platforms. Pastor’s Message: God still listens.
He is the provider and insurer of human being destiny. HE has a final say and author of our life’s reports. We should always seek to hear from him. “I came from non-Christian family background, but still God has re-written my foundation and risen me to become HIS servant.

I have realized when God take control of your life he will give you a vision, provision and guarantee divine exemption from satanic snares and plans”.